January 25, 2005


      Why is Dr. Dobson objecting to a video featuring characters such as SpongeBob?

    Why is Dr. Dobson objecting to the distribution of a video featuring such popular children's characters as SpongeBob SquarePants?


    Dr. Dobson is concerned that these popular animated personalities are being exploited by an organization that's determined to promote the acceptance of homosexuality among our nation's youth.

    We applaud the ideal of championing to children the value and dignity of every human life as well as respect for our differences.  What we vehemently object to is using these beloved characters to help advance an agenda that's beyond the comprehension of 6 and 7 year-old children, not to mention morally offensive to millions of moms and dads.

    The video in question is slated to be distributed to 61,000 public and private elementary schools throughout the United States.  Where it is shown, schoolchildren will be left with the impression that their teachers are offering their endorsement of the values and agenda associated with the video's sponsor.  While some of the goals associated with this organization are noble in nature, their inclusion of the reference to "sexual identity" within their "tolerance pledge" is not only unnecessary, but it crosses a moral line.

    We believe that it is the privilege of parents to decide how, when and where it is appropriate to introduce their children to these types of sensitive issues.  The distribution of this video trumps the authority of mothers and fathers and leaves it in the hands of strangers whose standards may very well be different than the children they teach.


Comments (3)

  • I saw a segment on, I think it was the Today show, about this. The creators of the video have a website called something along the lines of wearefamilyfoundation.org - and there is a different organization called We Are Family with a website of waf.org... and the waf.org people ARE a gay and lesbian advocacy group, and this idiot Dobson thought they were related in some way and thought the "mission" of the We Are Family Foundation (the ones distributing the "tolerance and acceptance" video to kids - ooooo that's a horrible concept) was to promote gay and lesbians. It was all a huge misunderstanding, but Dobson wouldn't agree to an interview with Today and wouldn't apologize for the confusion. He just keeps on with his stupidity. Retard.

  • ^ Yeah, I saw that. ;X

  • Sigh.... spongebob cant be wrong.. he just cant.. boohoohoo

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